At Hell Gates Volume One Volume 1 Devan Sagliani Monique Happy Shana Festa James Crawford Jacqueline Druga Stevie Kopas Stephen Kozeniewski J Rudolph Lesa Kinney Anders Matthew Kinney JM Martin Paul Mannering Rachel Aukes Sharon Stevenson SG Lee Tim Marquitz Frank Tayell Sean T Smith 9781502545398 Books

At Hell Gates Volume One Volume 1 Devan Sagliani Monique Happy Shana Festa James Crawford Jacqueline Druga Stevie Kopas Stephen Kozeniewski J Rudolph Lesa Kinney Anders Matthew Kinney JM Martin Paul Mannering Rachel Aukes Sharon Stevenson SG Lee Tim Marquitz Frank Tayell Sean T Smith 9781502545398 Books
Charity and horror fiction. Three words which do not normally go together but, honestly, should. All profits from At Hell's Gates sales go to The Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund. This gesture is something which naturally inclined me to like this book and its contents but I'll try to keep an unbiased perspective to the writing.This is a collection of a dozen or more short-stories which chronicle the adventures of various heroes as they deal with increasingly bad situations. They're the heroes facing hell (hence the title) and, in many ways, this is a surprisingly uplifting book. The heroes rarely come to a bad end and, when they do, it is a genuine surprise.
At Hell's Gates is a book by such notable indie horror authors as Jacequline Druga (Contagion), Stephen Kozeniewski (Braineater Jones), Shana Festa (Time of Death), Stevie Kopas (The Breadwinner), and Paul Mannering (Tankbread). Quite a few of the vignettes deal with the characters from these works and if you're familiar with any of them, you're probably going to get more out of the stories than someone who is not.
At Hell's Gates is a mixture of good, okay, and stories I found myself indifferent to. My favorite story is probably The Err Apparent by Tim Marquitz, which is a R-rated version of the Dresden Files with the Devil's nephew as its protagonist. Another standout is The Princess and the Flea by Paul Mannering. I wasn't familiar with either work beforehand but both were incredibly enjoyable and encouraged me to check out their universes.
Some of the stories are ones that weren't so great, however. None of them were bad, per say, but some of them felt like they were teasers for the book worlds they came from rather than complete stories themselves. The best of At Hell's Gates is when the tales decide to show something in its entirety. Journal of the Undead: The Beginning by S.G. Lee is an example of one of the complete stories which is stronger for it.
If there's a flaw with At Hell's Gates, it's the fact the vast majority of the stories are zombie ones. I think the anthology promoters would have done well to highlight this fact. Calling it At Hell's Gates: Zombies or something similar might have made things better, IMHO. Here, I expected a more diverse variety of stories and found, instead, a zombie anthology with a few outliers.
Not every story will blow you away but it has a pretty good average against professional anthologies I've read. There's also some real gems in it as well. Given it is less than half the price of a comparably sized independent book, I think it's well worth the price to check out. The fact the profits go to charity also means that I encourage horror fans to pick it up.
In conclusion, At Hell's Gates is a worthy edition to any horror fan's e-library.

Tags : At Hell's Gates: Volume One (Volume 1) [Devan Sagliani, Monique Happy, Shana Festa, James Crawford, Jacqueline Druga, Stevie Kopas, Stephen Kozeniewski, J. Rudolph, Lesa Kinney Anders, Matthew Kinney, J.M. Martin, Paul Mannering, Rachel Aukes, Sharon Stevenson, S.G. Lee, Tim Marquitz, Frank Tayell, Sean T. Smith] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. When evil overflows from the deepest, fiery pits, the battle will be At Hell's Gates...Whether you are a zombie aficionado,Devan Sagliani, Monique Happy, Shana Festa, James Crawford, Jacqueline Druga, Stevie Kopas, Stephen Kozeniewski, J. Rudolph, Lesa Kinney Anders, Matthew Kinney, J.M. Martin, Paul Mannering, Rachel Aukes, Sharon Stevenson, S.G. Lee, Tim Marquitz, Frank Tayell, Sean T. Smith,At Hell's Gates: Volume One (Volume 1),CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,150254539X,Horror - General,Fiction,Fiction Horror,Horror
At Hell Gates Volume One Volume 1 Devan Sagliani Monique Happy Shana Festa James Crawford Jacqueline Druga Stevie Kopas Stephen Kozeniewski J Rudolph Lesa Kinney Anders Matthew Kinney JM Martin Paul Mannering Rachel Aukes Sharon Stevenson SG Lee Tim Marquitz Frank Tayell Sean T Smith 9781502545398 Books Reviews
I haven't reviewed too many anthologies so bear with me. First the collection of short stories is put together for a good cause, that alone garnered my attention. A collection of well written short stories that included a number of authors I had a pleasuring reading on prior occasions. So to make this review easier for myself and for the reader im going to focus on three authors in the anthology that I felt were especially well written. First would be S.G. Lee and her short story titled Journal of the Undead The Beginning , well first off this story was well thought out and smoothly written. Each chapter was sensible and the plot was well established. The characters were well described and grounded with a human feel to them that I was able to make a connection with. When a short story can cause a reader to become emotionally invested that's a Clear sign and S.G. Lee was able to do this for me and I hope to see more of her work in the future.
J. Rudolph and her "stories from the apocalypse" was another enjoyable story that I found myself immediately making a connection with being that i've read her previous trilogy that this story was directly linked to. When I say directly linked I mean the main character was focused on from her previous books but not as a story that the reader needs to be previously familiar with. Julie was able to focus on how the main character was dealing with her Post Traumatic Stress Disorder resulting from surviving and attempting to thrive through impossible odds during the Zombie apocalypse and losses of loved ones resulting form her decisions. Being a survivor of PTSD I was especially touched by J. Rudolph writing ability and making associations to similar feelings ive dealt with.
Shana Festa "Ollie Ollie Oxen Free" this story was contender for my favorite story in this anthology. Shana revisted and closed a chapter begun from her first novel named "Ollie" a student nurse who was present in the emergency room in the first novel that many readers wanted to know of her outcome. Well her outcome was the sole focus and the story was well written and very compelling from the first paragraph. Ollie was believable and easy to associate with as a main character. I was drawn to her as only a reader can be drawn to a well written character. Her escape vehicle was a red corvette that saw a lot of use and being that Ollie is a student nurse that's even more hotter. The main character suffered and was in mortal fear throughout most of the story which I able to feel. Basically The writer here knows her business and I loved revisiting this prior briefly mentioned character.
Pick up the Anthology for numerous reasons which are a good cause, scary as hell, packed with zombies and all stories are well written.
I love anthologies. Especially this one. It had a couple of my favorite authors in here and several new authors I now want to pick up. If you are looking for some different, yet riveting horror stories, this is a great sampler platter. The stories in here will leave you feeling full and satisfied until the last word.
I purchased and read this anthology for two main reasons The charity of the authors and because one of the authors, namely Shana Festa. Ms. Festa is the one who brought zombies into my reading world and now I am hooked.
I must say that all of the authors brought their unique styles to each story and I liked some more then others.
When all is said and down, this was an excellent effort by all involved.
I must admit some of the evil expressed in several stories was not my cup of tea but several other stories deserve further looking into of those author's other works.
Charity and horror fiction. Three words which do not normally go together but, honestly, should. All profits from At Hell's Gates sales go to The Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund. This gesture is something which naturally inclined me to like this book and its contents but I'll try to keep an unbiased perspective to the writing.
This is a collection of a dozen or more short-stories which chronicle the adventures of various heroes as they deal with increasingly bad situations. They're the heroes facing hell (hence the title) and, in many ways, this is a surprisingly uplifting book. The heroes rarely come to a bad end and, when they do, it is a genuine surprise.
At Hell's Gates is a book by such notable indie horror authors as Jacequline Druga (Contagion), Stephen Kozeniewski (Braineater Jones), Shana Festa (Time of Death), Stevie Kopas (The Breadwinner), and Paul Mannering (Tankbread). Quite a few of the vignettes deal with the characters from these works and if you're familiar with any of them, you're probably going to get more out of the stories than someone who is not.
At Hell's Gates is a mixture of good, okay, and stories I found myself indifferent to. My favorite story is probably The Err Apparent by Tim Marquitz, which is a R-rated version of the Dresden Files with the Devil's nephew as its protagonist. Another standout is The Princess and the Flea by Paul Mannering. I wasn't familiar with either work beforehand but both were incredibly enjoyable and encouraged me to check out their universes.
Some of the stories are ones that weren't so great, however. None of them were bad, per say, but some of them felt like they were teasers for the book worlds they came from rather than complete stories themselves. The best of At Hell's Gates is when the tales decide to show something in its entirety. Journal of the Undead The Beginning by S.G. Lee is an example of one of the complete stories which is stronger for it.
If there's a flaw with At Hell's Gates, it's the fact the vast majority of the stories are zombie ones. I think the anthology promoters would have done well to highlight this fact. Calling it At Hell's Gates Zombies or something similar might have made things better, IMHO. Here, I expected a more diverse variety of stories and found, instead, a zombie anthology with a few outliers.
Not every story will blow you away but it has a pretty good average against professional anthologies I've read. There's also some real gems in it as well. Given it is less than half the price of a comparably sized independent book, I think it's well worth the price to check out. The fact the profits go to charity also means that I encourage horror fans to pick it up.
In conclusion, At Hell's Gates is a worthy edition to any horror fan's e-library.

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