THE HONEY TRAP edition by SK Hardy Literature Fiction eBooks

You can catch more bees with honey...just be careful of the sting.
Brianna Moore is the proud owner of Illicit Discoveries. She specializes in laying "Honey Traps" for cheating spouses. Suspicious wives pay good money to hire sexy decoys to test their husband's fidelity. Sometimes the significant other passes the test...sometimes they fail and take the bait. The ones who fail cry "entrapment".
But is it? Just because you lead a horse to water, doesn't mean it has to drink.
Beautiful Stacy Trosclair hires Illicit Discoveries to unearth evidence of her estranged husband's infidelity. The warring couple is in the middle of a nasty, high stakes divorce. Per the terms of the pre-nup, if Stacy's husband is caught cheating, she'll be entitled to millions; otherwise, she leaves with only the clothes on her back. Stacy needs Brianna’s help desperately, but there's a catch she wants Brianna to sleep with her husband in order to obtain indisputable proof to tip the prosperous scales in her favor.
Brianna is on the verge of telling Stacy Illicit Discoveries is not a high-priced brothel - until she finds out Stacy is married to the famous athlete, Dallas Trosclair. A lifetime ago, Dallas snatched her heart out and tore it up into little pieces. On impulse, Brianna decides to take the case. This is her chance to extract a long awaited revenge and deliver the ultimate payback.
But when Brianna finds out everything is not exactly what it seems, it’s too late to walk away. A horrifying chain of events is set into motion. All of the players in the game are swept up into an explosive firestorm of sex, murder, and mystery.
The Honey Trap will have you asking yourself if you can ever really know a person the way you think you do - especially if the right pot of honey is placed in their path to entice their sweet tooth.
*Warning Explicit language and sexual content*
THE HONEY TRAP edition by SK Hardy Literature Fiction eBooks
I thoroughly enjoyed the "The Honey Trap" by S.K. Hardy. In this book S.K. Introduces readers to Dallas, better known a D.T., a very handsome, successful, wealthy, talented, take-no-shit, NFL player and Brianna a beautiful, successful, bold, professional entrepreneur. They dated in college and it ended badly. Really badly. Anyway, now circumstances have put them back into each other's lives. D.T. wants to make amends and Brianna, well, Brianna has different motives altogether. But when the truth comes out, all hell breaks loose, and old love renews itsself.I loved D.T. and I liked Brianna well enough. The plot was good, and it had enough twist to keep the reader interested. The love scenes were well written, detailed, and there were just enough to make it realistic. Although it was pretty short, it was well paced. Very entertaining read. The reason I did not give it five stars is because some things she added in there were unnecessary adds to the story, in my opinion (the whole Brianna and Detective spin, wholly redundant). However, overall definitely worth the money, definitely entertaining, definitely worth the read, as usual with S.K. novels.
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Tags : THE HONEY TRAP - Kindle edition by S.K. Hardy. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading THE HONEY TRAP.,ebook,S.K. Hardy,THE HONEY TRAP,Storymasters Publishins Inc,FICTION Mystery & Detective General,FICTION African American Erotica
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THE HONEY TRAP edition by SK Hardy Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews
Where do I begin.. What can I say other than SK has done it again!! From beginning to end The Honey Trap sucks you in and keeps you guessing. This book has so many twist and turns but I promise you'll love every minute of it. This author's writing style is so unique that you find yourself being sucked in and tuning out the outside world until you've finished reading. The words on the pages seem to come alive, and I found myself creating voices in my head for each character as I read because I got so involved with the characters. If you're looking for a great read purchase this book and you won't be disappointed. Not only is this a great read her Sin City Series is to die for.. I'm so glad I stumbled across her months ago.. One of the best discoveries I've made!!
One of the BADDEST new authors in the game is SK!!! She takes love, money. jealousy, infidelity and deceit to a whole new level in The Honey Trap! It was sooo good I read it in one sitting. It had so many twists and turns in it and just when I knew I had it all figured out, SK throws a curve so smooth you don't even see it coming. The chemistry between D.T. and Brianna jumps out at you and never lets go. I was teetering throughout this book on whether to love or hate the hero, but ended up loving him because he loved so HARD. lol And Ms. Brianna was not the innocent I thought she was (again SK with the curve-lol). HOT and STEAMY was definitely in the book, but it fit in just right and didn't overpower the story as some stories tend to do. (and they were indeed HOT) GREAT JOB SK!!
I finished this book in two and a half hours! So that should tell you just how good it was!! I have been anxiously awaiting the release of this book and it exceeded my expectations, as everything SK writes does!! Once I started, I could not put it down. SK has once again delivered and delivered BIG!! This story had a different feel to it from her previous series, but was just as entertaining. The story of Dallas and Brianna was one of betrayal, desire, and true love. Throw in a little suspense, drama, and murder and SK has cooked up a sinfully delectable read!! Topped off with a side of her signature red hot, sexy, and downright sinful love scenes, this is a story that you will NOT want to miss out on!! So do yourself a favor and get "Trapped" in Dallas and Brianna's world. You'll be soooooo glad you did. Ready for the next one SK!!!
Read this book in less than 24 hours! I am a huge fan of the sin city series so if you have not read those, you better!! This book certainly did not dissapoint. Dallas and Brianna went to college together and are involved in a relationship. When Brianna wouldn't "give it up", Dallas sleeps with her friend Lisa and she gets pregnant. Brianna, devastated will not forgive Dallas and they go their seperate ways. Ten years later, Brianna is the owner of Illicit Discoveries. It's a company hired to catch cheating partners. Brianna is visited by Stacy, Dallas's wife wanting her to catch Dallas in the act so that she can get a hefty settlement in her divorce. Brianna gladly takes on the job wanting revenge on how he hurt her ten years before. Bria and Dallas meet up and the sparks fly and the love they both had for each other is still there. Lies, murder and forgiveness along with some hot! scenes makes this a great read!!
I have now read ALL of SK's books! After reading some of the reviews, I kept hesitating. I first read the Barron series, then Sin City, then her individual novels. After reading Compromising Circumstances, I decided to read about Dallas. I loved all of the twists and turns in the story. As with all of SK's books, there really is never any down time!! BTW...Was Stacy related to Ian? I am #TeamSK all the way and can't wait to see what's next!
SK can do no wrong! I seriously don't know how she comes up with these storyline's. Of course the hot erotic scenes are expected, and they certainly lived up to expectations, but there was just a little something more in this plot. The murder mystery was certainly intriguing, and something new. It had me thinking all along did he or didn't he do it. It was really a mystery up until the very end of the book. Dallas and Bria's relationship was something else from the very beginning. Their disconnect in the beginning had Dallas on my sh#$ list, but he redeemed his self later on. Bria was something else as well. Talk about using your feminine wiles to get what you want, this girl was an expert at it. Overall another fantastic read from SK, and I can't wait to read a whole lot more.
I thoroughly enjoyed the "The Honey Trap" by S.K. Hardy. In this book S.K. Introduces readers to Dallas, better known a D.T., a very handsome, successful, wealthy, talented, take-no-shit, NFL player and Brianna a beautiful, successful, bold, professional entrepreneur. They dated in college and it ended badly. Really badly. Anyway, now circumstances have put them back into each other's lives. D.T. wants to make amends and Brianna, well, Brianna has different motives altogether. But when the truth comes out, all hell breaks loose, and old love renews itsself.
I loved D.T. and I liked Brianna well enough. The plot was good, and it had enough twist to keep the reader interested. The love scenes were well written, detailed, and there were just enough to make it realistic. Although it was pretty short, it was well paced. Very entertaining read. The reason I did not give it five stars is because some things she added in there were unnecessary adds to the story, in my opinion (the whole Brianna and Detective spin, wholly redundant). However, overall definitely worth the money, definitely entertaining, definitely worth the read, as usual with S.K. novels.

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