Night Broken Mercy Thompson Patricia Briggs 0884661041028 Books

Night Broken Mercy Thompson Patricia Briggs 0884661041028 Books
I generally enjoy the Mercy Thompson series and really admire Patricia Briggs talent. While Mercy is sometimes nerve-wracking with her full out dash towards self-destruction, I respect her spunk, her cleverness and the amazing way she can think on her feet. However, I have to say that this book Night Broken caused me to take a hard look at whether I wanted to continue patronizing the Mercy universe. The two biggest reasons for my possible defection are:1. The constant need for Mercy to involve herself in near disasters.
I realize that she’s unwittingly drawn into some of them, but others she plain old dives head first into without any thought for her safety. She's been physically damaged so many times that it is hard to believe she isn't a walking body of scar tissue.
2. In this book, Night Broken, the high school "mean girl" antics of ex-wife Christy.
Christy is always described as "pretty" so I guess that makes her nastiness acceptable. She shows up unannounced at Mercy’s doorstep and goes full-tilt at trying to damage all of Mercy’s relationships. Sometimes it becomes a little too much to take and at times looks as if she’s succeeding. I find it difficult to believe that any woman (or man for that matter) would allow an ex-anyone to abuse them and their home in this way.
Christy, took over Mercy's kitchen, ordered everyone around, put her toiletries in Mercy and Mercy’s husbands bathroom, connived to engender sympathy from and alienation towards Mercy from the pack; says pretty much whatever she wants to say to Mercy and to husband Adam while constantly whining that everything is always someone else's fault. No one comes to Mercy's defense, including Mercy herself (who keeps justifying her lack of defense by saying she doesn’t want to sound jealous and petty). The only person who attempts to support Mercy is Jesse ( the teenaged step-daughter). Warren and Ben make a couple of supportive comments. However, they mostly remain silent letting Mercy and sometime Adam take hit after hit from the verbal assaults of the "pretty" ex-wife.
Ms Briggs did a lot of justifying as to why stalwart, take no prisoners Mercy would tolerate this kind of behavior. After a while, however, it just became excessive. I'm a woman and as much as I acknowledge that women have been abused (and continue to be), it doesn't make it acceptable for another woman to step into the role as the abuser and/or take advantage of another woman- especially in that woman’s own home.
Eventually, there was some minor attempt at giving Christy her due, but other readers will have to decide whether it was enough.

Tags : Night Broken (Mercy Thompson) [Patricia Briggs] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Night Broken (Mercy Thompson),Patricia Briggs,Night Broken (Mercy Thompson),Ace,042525674X,Fantasy - Contemporary,Fantasy - Urban,FICTION Fantasy Contemporary.,Shapeshifting;Fiction.,Werewolves;Fiction.,AMERICAN SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY,Fantasy,Fiction,Fiction - Fantasy,Fiction Fantasy Contemporary,Fiction Fantasy Urban,Fiction-Fantasy,GENERAL,General Adult,Monograph Series, any,Shapeshifting,Thompson, Mercy (Fictitious character),United States,Werewolves
Night Broken Mercy Thompson Patricia Briggs 0884661041028 Books Reviews
I just read this for the second time(along with the rest of the series) and I just can't get past the whole Christy crap. I agree with other reviewers opinion the Adam really dropped the ball with how he let Christy take over the entire house including their bathroom. He then let's Aurelia not only treat Mercy like crap but even lets her interrupt their alone time together because Christy was waiting supper??? Then even Warren snarks about how he didn't see how much of a manipulator Mercy was until Christy came! Betrayal much, Warren? And of course Christy is telling Mercy to just die already when she very nearly was dying and all she gets is banned from the hospital rather than run out of town?
Plus I just don't get how the hell the pack can stand by Christy when everyone knows how she has always treated Jesse and Adam. If Christy stays in town I'm not sure I will even read the next book as much as I love the rest of the characters.
It could be said, prior to this book, that all of Mercy’s problems have (nearly) always been aimed directly at her, Moon Called excepted. That’s not the case here. This problem heads straight for Christy – Adam’s ex-wife. Adam, being who he is, can’t deny protection. And I love that about him, honestly, I do. But I absolutely hate Christy in this book – and a good number of the Pack, too.
Most of the books prior to this we could see more movement in the overall world and politics between the supernatural beings in it. Not so much here. There are glimpses, moments where we realize and find out that stuff is still moving along, and maybe not to the best of places, but for the most part this book focuses on Adam and Mercy’s Pack. That doesn’t mean it’s slow though. I think back to my experience reading it, and I realize that Mercy spends a lot of time trying to get away from Christy, but that doesn’t mean there’s a lot of downtime. We’re moving from one revelation to the next, learning more about some characters – with a few surprising me hugely – along the way.
I don’t want to rant anymore, like I did when I first finished this book, but I still do hope that Christy goes away and never returns. She’s the most selfish, self-absorbed, horrible woman. I also really hope that someone puts the effing Pack in their place. The lack of respect that they show Mercy is absolutely ridiculous. Time and time again she’s put her neck out on the line for them. Time and time again she’s never left them hanging, or in danger. She’s never backed down from a fight – even when she didn’t think she could win. And how do they repay her? With betrayal and snide comments. EFF that. I am so pissed at (most of) them. There are a couple of notable exceptions, and I couldn’t love these four more. I want to gather them all into my arms and give them huge hugs for being decent, caring human beings….or werewolves.
I found the mystery pretty interesting – not because there was a huge mystery, I don’t think, but because it was so different! And there are some downright amazing things that happen because of it. I can’t wait to see the consequences of some of the choices that were made here.
I think that most fans of the series will hate the main aspect of the book – Christy trying to worm her way back into Adam’s, and the pack’s, life – and I can’t blame them. I hate it, too. A lot. But what I can say is that Adam makes it bearable. Those four other characters gave me hope to hold onto. Also, Mercy’s a better person than I. I’m not sure I would have taken Christy’s jabs with such grace. I get why she did – because of Jesse – but, man. That took some serious strength.
I love this book. Now if Christy would just die, I’d be a happy woman. Or I, at least, hope the Pack gets an awesome set-down in the next book, Fire Touched….and that Christy goes back to Eugene.
I generally enjoy the Mercy Thompson series and really admire Patricia Briggs talent. While Mercy is sometimes nerve-wracking with her full out dash towards self-destruction, I respect her spunk, her cleverness and the amazing way she can think on her feet. However, I have to say that this book Night Broken caused me to take a hard look at whether I wanted to continue patronizing the Mercy universe. The two biggest reasons for my possible defection are
1. The constant need for Mercy to involve herself in near disasters.
I realize that she’s unwittingly drawn into some of them, but others she plain old dives head first into without any thought for her safety. She's been physically damaged so many times that it is hard to believe she isn't a walking body of scar tissue.
2. In this book, Night Broken, the high school "mean girl" antics of ex-wife Christy.
Christy is always described as "pretty" so I guess that makes her nastiness acceptable. She shows up unannounced at Mercy’s doorstep and goes full-tilt at trying to damage all of Mercy’s relationships. Sometimes it becomes a little too much to take and at times looks as if she’s succeeding. I find it difficult to believe that any woman (or man for that matter) would allow an ex-anyone to abuse them and their home in this way.
Christy, took over Mercy's kitchen, ordered everyone around, put her toiletries in Mercy and Mercy’s husbands bathroom, connived to engender sympathy from and alienation towards Mercy from the pack; says pretty much whatever she wants to say to Mercy and to husband Adam while constantly whining that everything is always someone else's fault. No one comes to Mercy's defense, including Mercy herself (who keeps justifying her lack of defense by saying she doesn’t want to sound jealous and petty). The only person who attempts to support Mercy is Jesse ( the teenaged step-daughter). Warren and Ben make a couple of supportive comments. However, they mostly remain silent letting Mercy and sometime Adam take hit after hit from the verbal assaults of the "pretty" ex-wife.
Ms Briggs did a lot of justifying as to why stalwart, take no prisoners Mercy would tolerate this kind of behavior. After a while, however, it just became excessive. I'm a woman and as much as I acknowledge that women have been abused (and continue to be), it doesn't make it acceptable for another woman to step into the role as the abuser and/or take advantage of another woman- especially in that woman’s own home.
Eventually, there was some minor attempt at giving Christy her due, but other readers will have to decide whether it was enough.

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